Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

Peace of Mind

10 July 1998 - 10 July 2008

Time is like a river
You cannot touch the same water twice
because the flow that has passed will never pass again...

Today is 10th years my beloved father Rest in Peace
Ga' terasa cepet ajah waktu berlalu
Gw inget dulu masih duduk maniz dibangku SMU kelas 1
Now, i am sitting here in my office desk with all task and mature people business..huggh
yup, your lil' daughter almost being a women dad .. Hopefully :)
always miss your warm voice, your kind advice, your low profile act, you are my beloved perfect father .. i miss u so much dad, but don't worry i'll do my best to be your good daughter as i am :) promise !! Mom and two lil brothers they are very well.. we are always be a good team work to solve everything :)..

As you always teach to us : Do what feel rights and be prepared to live with and grow from the consequences.. Thanks dad.. we love u much - miss u deep.

:: catatan senja mengenang sepuluh tahun kepergian ayahku tercinta ::

1 komentar:

needboyschild mengatakan...

Kehilangan sesuatu meyakinkan kita bahwa tidak ada yang abadi di Dunia.Sebelum kehilangan itu kembali menghampiri, sisihkan sedikit untuk memberi dan menerima:)